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Precautions for the use of headphones

Time:2021-10-19 | Click:531



Since the earphone is closer to the inner ear tissue than the general external noise; the user must take necessary protective measures. Studies have shown that pleasant music causes less hearing damage, but long-term exposure to high-decibel sounds, whether it is music or noise, can cause hearing damage.


The sensory nerve and hearing damage caused by noise occurs in the inner ear. When high-energy sound waves shock the fluid in the cochlea, it will over-stimulate and cause cell death. Hearing damage is accumulated over time. If you are exposed to noise for a long time, even if the time is short, it will also cause hearing loss.


A survey published by the Journal of the American Medical Association in 1998 and an experiment conducted by Shanxi Medical University in China both show that long-term exposure to high noise levels has a negative impact on hearing.


If earphones are used on the street, in addition to increasing the volume, which may cause hearing loss, focusing on listening to music can easily make users lose their alertness to peripheral sounds and increase the chance of danger. Children should not use them.


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