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Basic FAQ of Headphones

Time:2021-10-19 | Click:526

The Bluetooth headset is connected to the mobile phone, but can't hear any sound?


Please turn up the volume of the Bluetooth device. Some mobile phones require you to set Bluetooth as an audio output device before transmitting sound. Please refer to the detailed instructions of your mobile phone. If you are using a music player or other Bluetooth device, please make sure it supports the A2DP stereo music profile.


Why is the Bluetooth headset connection unstable and freezes from time to time?

Please make sure that there is no interference between the headset and the Bluetooth device. Please make sure that there is no radio or WIFI interference nearby.


Can the headset be used while charging?

can not be used. For your safety and the quality of the headset, please do not use the headset while charging.

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