Time:2021-10-19 | Click:499
About active noise reduction
——What is active noise reduction?
Although ordinary headphones can help us isolate most of the noise in the environment, they are usually aimed at high-frequency noise with weak sound wave penetration. In buses, subways or offices, there are more low-frequency noises that we cannot avoid, such as bus engine sounds and air-conditioning sounds.
These noises lurking around us will affect our work and life emotions imperceptibly, and then trigger a health crisis. And the active noise reduction feature of the headset plays a role at this time. The so-called active noise reduction is based on passive noise reduction to further filter out low-frequency noise in the environment, helping users to completely get rid of noise pollution.
——On what active noise reduction?
To actively reduce noise, we must rely on the help of the intelligent noise reduction chip in the headset. This chip can comprehensively analyze and process noise reduction signals, and achieve simultaneous noise reduction while maximizing the collection of noise signals. In addition, active noise reduction headphones also have high-temperature qualitative noise reduction processing technology. Therefore, regardless of whether the user turns on active noise reduction, this technology can help maintain the balance of the headset's tri-band and eliminate 85% of the noise in the environment, so that the music is presented without loss.